Monday, 8 April 2024

Chain Card Swap - Michele


At the beginning of October, I started a fun journey with 11 other Australian demonstrators. We called it a "Chain Card Swap". It is a card version of what is called "Chinese Whispers" in Australia. Each of us designed a card (round 1) and sent it off to one of the other participants. That person CASE-d (Copy And Share Everything) the card and send their version on to the next person. The card made its way around until finally a version came home to the maker. We are going to have a blog hop for each of the card designs to share the fun and amazement at the evolution.
I received Michele's  card in round 4 from Tracy

This is my take for this swap

Blog Hop

1 comment:

Annette McMillan said...

A cute and fun card Cheryl, stayed true to the recent layout.

Origami FunFold Card

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