Tuesday 10 September 2024

Card Swap Chain - Monique


At the beginning of October, I started a fun journey with 11 other Australian demonstrators. We called it a "Chain Card Swap". It is a card version of what is called "Chinese Whispers" in Australia. Each of us designed a card (round 1) and sent it off to one of the other participants. That person CASE-d (Copy And Share Everything) the card and send their version on to the next person. The card made its way around until finally a version came home to the maker. We are going to have a blog hop for each of the card designs to share the fun and amazement at the evolution.
I received Monique card in Round 5 from Annette.

I only changed the colour but tried to keep it as is as I really liked what Annette had done with the card. 😍

Blog Hop: 


Annette McMillan said...

Why thanks for the lovely compliment Cheryl. You have done a lovely job of CASEing my card.

Nancy H. said...

Nice card...I like how you changed the colours but kept the rest.

Genna said...

So similar but so different. It really shows what a difference colour choices can make. Lovely card.

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